Thursday, March 10, 2016

A todos nos gusta tener gente a nuestro alrededor, a nuestra familia, a nuestros amigos, a cualquier persona cercana,…en definitiva, a alguien. Sin embrago, a veces sentimos la necesidad de aislarnos, alejarnos de toda esa gente que nos rodea, pasar un tiempo a solas. Necesitamos parar, pensar, respirar hondo y reorganizar nuestra vida, nuestra mente, nuestros sentimientos. A veces tenemos tal desorden que es difícil y necesitamos tomarnos nuestro tiempo. A veces la causa de ese desorden somos nosotros mismos. A veces el desorden llega a tal nivel que nos arrastra a rozar la bipolaridad.  A veces queremos reír, otras en cambio, queremos llorar. A veces queremos callar, otras en cambio, queremos gritar. A veces queremos decir “ya basta” pero no podemos parar.

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Everybody likes to have people around them, their family, their friends, anyone close, ... in short, someone. However, sometimes we feel the need to isolate ourselves, away from all those people around us, spend some time alone. We need to stop, think, breathe deeply and reorganize our lives, our minds, …our feelings. Sometimes we have such a mess that it is difficult to do and we need to take our time. Sometimes the cause of the mess is ourselves. Sometimes the disorder reaches such a level that drags us to rub bipolarity. Sometimes we want to laugh, others however, we just want to mourn. Sometimes we want to remain silent, others however, we want to scream out. Sometimes we want to say “enough!" but we can’t stop it.

Model: @anxpe

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